New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings Policy 37-110 | Effective Date: July 1, 2024


WorkSafeNB is required by the Workers Compensation Act to calculate the percent increase in the Consumer Price Index and adjust New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings, maximum annual earnings, and maximum yearly assessable earnings effective for the first of January each year.

When the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index is negative, WorkSafeNB will apply a percentage increase of 0%.


New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings

  1. For 2024 the New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings will be increased by 2.81%.

  2. The 2024 New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings is fifty-one thousand two hundred and eighty-three dollars ($51,283).

Maximum Annual Earnings

  1. Maximum annual earnings are calculated by multiplying the New Brunswick industrial Aggregate Earnings by 1.6 and then rounding to the closest $100.

  2. Effective July 1, 2024, the maximum annual earnings is eighty-two thousand one hundred dollars ($82,100).

Maximum Yearly Assessable Earnings 

  1. Maximum yearly assessable earnings is the maximum an employer can be assessed on a worker’s gross earnings. If a worker’s gross wage is more than that amount, WorkSafeNB will use the maximum assessable amount to determine assessments.
  1. Effective July 1, 2024 the yearly maximum assessable earnings is eight-two thousand one hundred dollars ($82,100) per worker.

Allowances and Benefits 

  1. In January of each year certain allowances and benefits are indexed using the annual percent increase of the New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings. 

Previous versions

  • Policy 37-110 New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings, release 5, effective January 1, 2024
  • Policy 37-110 New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings, release 4, effective January 1, 2023
  • Policy 37-110 New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings, release 3, effective January 1, 2022

Legal Authority

Workers’ Compensation Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. W-13)

38.1(1) definition of “maximum annual earnings” and “New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings”

38.1(3)38.1(4), 38.1(5), 38.101(4)38.11(12)38.2(4), 38.5, 38.51, 38.52, 38.53, 38.6, 38.8, 4875(2)



Information contained in appendix A and B is updated at the beginning of each calendar year.

Appendix A(1)–General Information Sheet

Appendix A(2)–General Information Sheet–Historical

Appendix B–Wage Information

The New Brunswick Industrial Aggregate Earnings  - means the amount set by the Commission as of the first day of January of each year, which shall be equal to $27,323 for the year 1993 and which shall thereafter be increased by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Canada for all items for the twelve month period ending the thirtieth day of June in each year as determined by the Commission in August of each year on the basis of monthly reports published in that respect by Statistics Canada for that period.

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