We develop educational resources for a variety of sectors to support healthy and safe workplaces in New Brunswick. You can search our publications by title and date below to print or view online. To order printed publications, please email publications@ws-ts.nb.ca.
New Brunswick workers travelling within Canada – criteria
Type: Guidelines
Date: May 22, 2020
Online only
Employers are required to establish a COVID-19 out-of-province travel plan within Canada for New Brunswick-based workers with specialized technical, professional or senior management roles. Out-of-province travel is restricted to work activities that cannot be achieved through other means (virtual connection) or cannot be sourced in the other jurisdiction and can not exceed 14 days. Employers can elect to provide a corporate plan for this type of travel and include a list of the roles/occupations to which it applies instead of submitting plans for each individual traveller.
Day of Mourning
Type: Posters
Date: April 27, 2020
Français: Jour de deuil
Available in print
Join fellow Canadians on Day of Mourning to remember those injured or killed as the result of a work-related incident or disease.
COVID-19 prevention tool for workplaces
Type: COVID-19
Date: March 30, 2020
Français: Outil de prévention de la COVID-19 pour les lieux de travail
Online only
Workplace measures to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
E-News - March / April 2020 - Special COVID-19 edition
Type: E-News
Date: March 27, 2020
Online only
COVID-19 and the right to refuse
Type: COVID-19
Date: March 23, 2020
Français: COVID-19 : Droit de refus
Online only
These are unprecedented times. Health and safety is a priority for you, your supervisor and employer and us at WorkSafeNB. As we cope with COVID-19, more people are interested in learning about the process to refuse unsafe work. Here are resources to help you navigate your right to refuse:
COVID-19 Working Safely from home
Type: COVID-19
Date: March 17, 2020
Français: COVID-19 : Travailler à partir de la maison en toute sécurité
Online only
As workplaces try to prevent the spread of COVID-19, employees may find themselves unconventionally working from home.
Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
Type: Pamphlets
Date: March 17, 2020
Français: Le droit de refuser un travail dangereux
Available in print
Section 19 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act states: "An employee may refuse to do any act where he has reasonable grounds for believing that the act is likely to endanger his health or safety or the health or safety of any other employee."
COVID-19: What you need to know
Type: COVID-19
Date: March 15, 2020
Français: COVID-19 : Ce que vous devez savoir
Online only
WorkSafeNB is working to support the direction of public agencies for slowing the progression of COVID-19 by helping workplaces to take appropriate preventive measures
Respiratory viruses and the workplace
Type: Pamphlets
Date: March 11, 2020
Français: Les virus respiratoires et le lieu de travail
Online only
This gives employers, supervisors and workers information about minimizing risk from respiratory viruses in the workplace.
Silos on Farms Create Dangerous Situations | PDF Version
Type: Hazard Alerts
Date: March 3, 2020
Français: Les silos sur les fermes créent des situations dangereuses
| Version PDF
Online only
A New Brunswick farmworker died of his injuries after entering a corn silo. WorkSafeNB’s investigation revealed that when the employee entered the silo through a manhole access door his leg got entangled in a moving auger.