
The impact of workplace incidents and fatalities can be devastating to families, workplaces and communities. The following postings are intended to raise awareness of workplace hazards, fatal incidents and occupational health and safety resources to help prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The incidents and fatalities listed have occurred in regulated workplaces. Please note that at the time of publishing on this page, serious injuries and fatalities may still be under investigation and therefore no conclusions have been made as to root causes. These postings are developed with the intention of safeguarding the privacy of those involved and the integrity of accident investigations and possible legal proceedings.

Nature of injury
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Your search returned 548 results. Page 38 of 55

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Retail and wholesale
    Job Type: Sales associate
    Date: February 16, 2016
    Description: A ¾-inch board slid off a six-wheeled cart onto the worker's foot.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Transportation and warehousing
    Job Type: Driver
    Date: February 11, 2016
    Description: Worker was using a steam hose to clear ice off his trailer's hatch when he lost his balance, causing the hose to become caught in his jacket.

  • Nature of injury: Foreign body
    Industry: Health care and social services
    Job Type: Health-care worker
    Date: February 7, 2016
    Description: A bacterium was being manipulated in a medical laboratory. Two workers at high risk of exposure were treated with two antibiotics for this exposure.

  • Nature of injury: Crushing injury
    Industry: General contracting
    Job Type: Sales associate
    Date: February 1, 2016
    Description: Worker was in the back of a pickup truck as a spotter while a lift operator was trying to unload a 400 kg (900 pound) piece of equipment. The equipment toppled over when the chain slipped, causing the worker to fall to the ground. The equipment subsequently fell to the ground, crushing his foot.

  • Nature of injury: Smoke inhalation
    Industry: Forestry
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: January 21, 2016
    Description: While two employees were cutting a piece of metal with a grinder, a piece of hot metal entered the duct work through a ventilation fan, causing a fire inside the duct. A first responder team tested 39 people and sent three workers to hospital for smoke inhalation.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Automotive
    Job Type: Tire installer
    Date: January 21, 2016
    Description: Worker sprayed a cleaner on his jacket to remove paint. The flammable substance on his coat ignited when he later lit a cigarette.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Welder
    Date: January 6, 2016
    Description: A steel structure tipped over, falling on the worker's legs.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Automotive
    Job Type: Mechanic
    Date: January 5, 2016
    Description: While inflating a repaired tire on the tire changer, an undetected break in the tire failed, causing a blast of high pressure air to strike the worker.

  • Nature of injury: Near miss
    Industry: Mining, oil and gas extraction
    Job Type: Machine operator
    Date: January 4, 2016
    Description: Worker was driving a scoop tram underground when he drove into an open hole.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Waste collection
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: December 29, 2015
    Description: The worker used his foot to stop garbage from falling out of the backend of the waste collection truck when a piece of cardboard became stuck on his clothing. The cardboard was being pulled into the truck's hydraulic packer unit, which caused his leg to come into contact with the unit.

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