
The impact of workplace incidents and fatalities can be devastating to families, workplaces and communities. The following postings are intended to raise awareness of workplace hazards, fatal incidents and occupational health and safety resources to help prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The incidents and fatalities listed have occurred in regulated workplaces. Please note that at the time of publishing on this page, serious injuries and fatalities may still be under investigation and therefore no conclusions have been made as to root causes. These postings are developed with the intention of safeguarding the privacy of those involved and the integrity of accident investigations and possible legal proceedings.

Nature of injury
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  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Supervisor
    Date: August 13, 2016
    Description: After inspecting work on a roof, the worker was descending a ladder when the ladder slipped away from the building, resulting in a collapsed lung, broken ribs, dislocated fingers and a fractured skull.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Automotive
    Job Type: Mechanic
    Date: August 4, 2016
    Description: Worker was changing the tire on a rim when the tire exploded, striking the worker's face.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Transportation and warehousing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: July 27, 2016
    Description: While doing road repairs, two workers were struck by a truck that was reversing. One fractured his tailbone; the other dislocated two vertebrae.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: July 25, 2016
    Description: Worker was winding load straps on a trailer when a steel beam from the load fell on his arm.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Drywaller
    Date: July 21, 2016
    Description: Two workers fell about 2.5 metres from a platform when the platform collapsed. One worker received cuts and lacerations; the other fractured his pelvis.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Forestry
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: July 17, 2016
    Description: Worker was changing knives on a chipper when he stepped on the foot pedal used to rotate the chipper's head, trapping his hand inside the chipper.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Forestry
    Job Type: Team leader
    Date: July 11, 2016
    Description: Worker was trying to replace a chain on a sprocket using a pry bar when it became stuck in the sprocket and struck him in the face, causing facial fractures and lacerations.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Machine operator
    Date: July 11, 2016
    Description: Worker was using a chop saw when she opened the cover to unclog the dust collector pipe without locking out the machine, cutting her finger on the spinning saw.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Millwright
    Date: July 7, 2016
    Description: Worker locked out a hot-water pump and closed one of its two outlet valves to change the pump's gasket, but was splashed with hot water from the second outlet valve when he removed the pump.

  • Nature of injury: Fatality
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Owner
    Date: July 4, 2016
    Description: Worker was walking next to a large window standing on a tripod when the window fell onto the worker.

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