
The impact of workplace incidents and fatalities can be devastating to families, workplaces and communities. The following postings are intended to raise awareness of workplace hazards, fatal incidents and occupational health and safety resources to help prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The incidents and fatalities listed have occurred in regulated workplaces. Please note that at the time of publishing on this page, serious injuries and fatalities may still be under investigation and therefore no conclusions have been made as to root causes. These postings are developed with the intention of safeguarding the privacy of those involved and the integrity of accident investigations and possible legal proceedings.

Nature of injury
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Your search returned 548 results. Page 24 of 55

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Food manufacturing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: December 14, 2017
    Description: Worker had completed the cleaning of a conveyor when their lab overcoat got caught in the conveyor while they were reaching for the disconnect switch. The worker was pulled towards the machine resulting in a hairline fracture to the knee.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Agriculture
    Job Type: Heavy equipment operator
    Date: December 14, 2017
    Description: Worker was struck in the head by a chain that was released when a sling being used by a bulldozer to pull a truck stuck in ice broke.

  • Nature of injury: Near miss
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: November 28, 2017
    Description: The material platform hoist being used on a worksite collapsed. No one was injured.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Forestry
    Job Type: Millwright
    Date: November 14, 2017
    Description: Workers were taking apart a motor control center when one was electrocuted suffering burns to his left hand.

  • Nature of injury: Crushing injury
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: November 6, 2017
    Description: Worker got their hand and arm caught in machinery.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Machine operator
    Date: October 31, 2017
    Description: Worker was working at a taping machine when they reached in and were cut by the knife.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Janitorial
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: October 24, 2017
    Description: Worker was burned by hot water released from a hot water heater.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Food manufacturing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: October 12, 2017
    Description: Worker tripped on a piece of strapping and injured their left hip in the fall.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Pipe layer
    Date: October 12, 2017
    Description: Worker was in a hole when the second excavator was trying to nudge a pipe in place and caused the pipe to swing sideways crushing the worker between the two pipes.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Agriculture
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: October 12, 2017
    Description: While working on a dirt eliminator the worker reached up under the guard to free a potato stuck in the roller and their shirt got caught in the roller pulling their left arm between two rollers.

Page 24 of 55

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