
The impact of workplace incidents and fatalities can be devastating to families, workplaces and communities. The following postings are intended to raise awareness of workplace hazards, fatal incidents and occupational health and safety resources to help prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The incidents and fatalities listed have occurred in regulated workplaces. Please note that at the time of publishing on this page, serious injuries and fatalities may still be under investigation and therefore no conclusions have been made as to root causes. These postings are developed with the intention of safeguarding the privacy of those involved and the integrity of accident investigations and possible legal proceedings.

Nature of injury
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  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: August 28, 2015
    Description: Worker was working on a roof when he slipped on synthetic membrane that had been installed and fell three metres to a stone patio below.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Mechanic
    Date: August 25, 2015
    Description: Worker was changing a belt on a conveyor when the retaining system released, causing the belt to hit the worker's hand.

  • Nature of injury: Amputation
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: August 25, 2015
    Description: Worker reached in to clear a jam in a trim saw when the saw cut his hand. The trim saw was not locked out before the worker cleared the jam.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Health care and social services
    Job Type: Boiler operator
    Date: August 21, 2015
    Description: Worker's hand was burned while completing preventative maintenance on a boiler steam distribution system.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Owner
    Date: August 18, 2015
    Description: Employer was working from an unsecured ladder, measuring a wall for sheeting at his office. The ladder moved and he fell about 3.6 metres onto the ground, fracturing his fibula, tibula and ankle.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Tourism, culture and leisure
    Job Type: Team leader
    Date: August 18, 2015
    Description: Worker was taking photographs of a municipal water supply site when he was struck in the back by the bucket of an excavator.

  • Nature of injury: Near miss
    Industry: Transportation and warehousing
    Job Type: Driver
    Date: August 11, 2015
    Description: The dump truck came into contact with a 69,000 kW overhead energized utility line during a pre-operative check at the employer's site.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Education
    Job Type: Laboratory researcher
    Date: August 11, 2015
    Description: Worker was mixing a chemical compound inside a glove box when it exploded, causing burns to his face and ear.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: August 11, 2015
    Description: After installing metal flashing on a roof, the worker decided to take a break, unsecured the rope grab and walked toward the ladder, when he slipped on the dew-covered roof, falling about three metres.

  • Nature of injury: Crushing injury
    Industry: Gravel pit
    Job Type: Machine operator
    Date: August 10, 2015
    Description: Worker was operating a rock/gravel sorter when his arm was caught in the motor system.

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