Frequently Asked Questions

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Administrative penalties can be appealed to WorkSafeNB’s Chief Compliance Officer. Instructions on how to appeal can be found on the appeals process information page.

Date: March 2, 2021 Last Revised: June 4, 2021

While administrative penalties can be applied whenever an officer issues an order as a result of a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or Regulation, WorkSafeNB has selected specific provisions* where administrative penalties could be imposed.

* provisions will be reviewed on a regular basis and are subject to change.

Starting in May 2021, administrative penalties may be imposed:
• When a workplace party is in violation of sections of legislation identified by WorkSafeNB as high risk and are more likely to result in serious injury;
• When a workplace party is in repeated violation of the same section of legislation, within a 2-year period; and
• As directed by a WorkSafeNB health and safety initiative such as the enforcement of COVID-19 Public Health measures.

Date: June 4, 2021

When a health and safety officer issues an order for a violation subject to an administrative penalty, the affected workplace party will be verbally informed. If confirmed, a Notice of an Administrative Penalty will be delivered by registered mail within 28 days of the order. There may be situations where in-person delivery may be necessary.

Date: June 4, 2021

Anyone who has responsibilities to comply with the requirements of the Act and the regulations (employer, contractor, sub-contractor, contracting employer, supplier, supervisor, owner or employee) may receive an administrative penalty. 

Date: March 2, 2021

Amounts are specified in legislation and allow for increasing amounts when the workplace party has already received a penalty within the past three years.

Workplace party

1st Administrative Penalty

2nd Administrative Penalty

3rd or more Administrative Penalty

Employer, Contractor, Subcontractor, Contracting employer, Supplier




Supervisor, Owner









Date: March 2, 2021

The money from administrative penalties goes to the WorkSafeNB Accident Fund and will be used to support health and safety initiatives in New Brunswick.

Date: March 2, 2021

Failure to pay an administrative penalty is a debt owed to WorkSafeNB and may be filed in the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick and may be enforced by judgement by the court.  The judgement may also include reasonable additional costs and charges resulting from the filing, entering and recording of certificate in the court system.

Date: March 2, 2021

Yes, you still need to report your payroll even if it is $0. That will ensure that you are billed correctly when premiums are collected again in June.

Date: March 26, 2020

Fraud can be committed in different ways. Some examples include:  

Worker fraud

  • Providing false or misleading information claiming that an injury is work-related
  • Exaggerating an injury or delaying return to work to continue receiving WorkSafeNB benefits
  • Working and/or earning income while receiving WorkSafeNB benefits
  • Workers misrepresenting travel expenses (i.e. distance travelled to/from medical appointment).

Employer fraud

  • Intentionally failing to register a company to WorkSafeNB
  • Intentionally understating or falsifying assessable payroll
  • Failing to report workplace injuries to WorkSafeNB resulting in an injured worker not receiving deserved benefits.

Date: February 5, 2020

Assessed Employers select the Report tab at the top of the page and then select Claim Status in the drop-down menu.

Self-Insured Employers select the Employer tab at the top of the page and then select Claim Status in the drop-down menu.

Date: July 31, 2019

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