Injuries stemming from material handling and client handling are common. To help reduce the frequency and severity of these injuries, WorkSafeNB has been working since 2012 with the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes. As a result, between 2011 and 2015, the number of lost-time claims among nursing home workers fell 27%. There is still work to do. Here are some resources we hope will help nursing home administrators and workers keep their workplaces safe.
*The Nursing Home Workplace Violence Prevention working Group is a collaboration between the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes (NBANH), the New Brunswick Nurses Union (NBNU), WorkSafeNB and the New Brunswick Continuing Care Safety Association (NBCCSA). As a result of an agreement between NBNU and NBANH, this collaboration is working to identify, develop and implement resources and tools to reduce incidents of workplace violence.