The purpose of this policy is to communicate how:
This policy applies to:
1.0 General
In New Brunswick, health and safety is the responsibility of all workplace parties. Employers, employees, and other individuals present in a place of employment must be actively involved in identifying hazards, and taking precautions to prevent accidents.
WorkSafeNB assists employers with accident prevention by:
WorkSafeNB identifies where its resources will have the greatest impact on accident prevention and allocates the resources in those areas. WorkSafeNB focuses its programs and services on reducing accidents in higher risk workplaces and industries.
To support this strategy, WorkSafeNB encourages industries to be proactive in preventing workplace accidents. Legislation allows WorkSafeNB to fund safety associations that promote accident prevention through education and training for employers in their industry.
2.0 Applying for Funding
Employer associations interested in forming a safety association to provide accident prevention education and training may apply for funding from WorkSafeNB.
In its application to WorkSafeNB, the employer association must demonstrate that:
The employer association must also submit a business plan, which at a minimum, must contain:
Additionally, legislation requires that a safety association receiving funding from WorkSafeNB, be governed by a board of directors representative of the industry, with a non-voting representative appointed by WorkSafeNB.
For more information on the application requirements please see Funding of Safety Associations Regulation – Workers’ Compensation Act.
3.0 Approving Funding
Before designating an employer group as a safety association, WorkSafeNB ensures they have met all the application requirements.
WorkSafeNB approves the business plan after determining it sufficiently establishes that the:
When the business plan is approved, WorkSafeNB and the association agree to detailed terms of funding, course content, and reporting requirements in a contract that is signed by both parties. The contract also provides protection for WorkSafeNB from any liability for the activities of the association.
WorkSafeNB provides funding to safety associations from the Accident Fund, which is then reimbursed by charging an additional percentage on the individual assessment for all employers in the industry supported by the safety association. The industries are defined by code(s) under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
4.0 Reporting and Renewal of Funding
WorkSafeNB monitors the effectiveness of the education and training plan through an annual report submitted by the safety association.
The annual report, includes:
The association is also required to report on these results at an annual meeting of its members.
A half-yearly financial report and a yearly independent audited financial statement are also required.
WorkSafeNB may renew the funding for the safety association when it determines that the education and training is effective.
If WorkSafeNB is not satisfied with the results, funding may not be renewed for the following year.
For more information on the requirement of the annual report and the half-yearly financial report please see Funding of Safety Associations Regulation – Workers’ Compensation Act.
Workers’ Compensation Act (RSNB 1973, c W-13)
54(1)(a)(b)(c), 79.2(1), 79.2(2)(a)(b)(c)(d), 79.2(3), 79.2(6), 79.2(7)
Regulation 2000-63 - Funding of Safety Associations Regulation – Workers’ Compensation Act
WorkSafeNB – means the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission or "the Commission" as defined by the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission and Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal Act.