Prescription Eyeglasses Fee Schedule Fee Schedule 29-510 | Effective Date: January 1, 2024


Policy 25-007 Prostheses, Orthoses and Assistive Devices

Rates/ Fees

  1. WorkSafeNB may reimburse the cost to replace or repair prescription eyeglasses; prescription contact lenses; prescription safety glasses (if paid for by the worker); and prescription sunglasses. Receipts are required.
  1. When providing prescription eyewear, in 2024 WorkSafeNB pays for:
    • Lenses for the glasses at cost; and
    • Frames to a maximum of $226.77.
  1. The injured worker may apply the value of the lenses and frames to the purchase of contact lenses.

Prescription Eyeglasses Damaged at Work

  1. WorkSafeNB repairs or replaces pre-accident prescription eyewear, one time only, when damaged in a compensable accident causing injury.
  1. Coatings, such as anti-glare, anti-scratch, tinting, or other additions to lenses may be purchased and paid for by the worker.
  1. WorkSafeNB is not responsible for on-going maintenance or subsequent repair or replacement.

Eyeglasses Provided to Treat Compensable Injury

  1. WorkSafeNB provides eyeglasses to treat a compensable workplace injury when prescribed by a licensed health care provider.
  1. When provided to treat a compensable injury WorkSafeNB provides repair or replacement of lenses and frames once every five years.
  1. New lenses may be provided whenever the prescription changes and the change in condition is compatible with the compensable injury. 




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