Policy development process

Engaging with WorkSafeNB's policy development process  

WorkSafeNB continuously reviews and updates our policies to ensure they are relevant. 

We actively collaborate with workers and employers to develop policies that align with compensation and workplace safety legislation. WorkSafeNB is committed to building a strong, stable, and sustainable system that promotes good governance and sound legislative foundations. 

We welcome and value your feedback in shaping the future of workplace health and safety. 


Your feedback matters 

WorkSafeNB’s board of directors welcomes, encourages and values stakeholder engagement in our decision-making process, including policy decisions.  WorkSafeNB proactively shares upcoming policy reviews, welcoming your input. By participating, you help shape policies that impact New Brunswick workplaces and ensure a collaborative approach to safety and well-being.

We follow the process established in Policy 41-004 Governance - Policy Development. This process identifies policies that are a priority for review or development and sets an annual policy review schedule.  

Our board of directors is committed to balancing your feedback with the parameters of governing legislation and the strategic direction of WorkSafeNB. 


Providing feedback 

To contribute to WorkSafeNB policies, please use our feedback form to provide suggestions on how we can improve our policies.  

Each consultation is open for 30 days. 

If you have any questions about the WorkSafeNB policy process, please connect with us. 


Policies under review


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