From setback to comeback: Boosting benefits for injured workers

Finally, some good news for injured workers! After years of declining assessment rates for the province’s employers, recent legislative amendments have brought much-needed improvements to financial benefits for New Brunswickers who get hurt on the job. As a former nurse and an injured worker myself, I know firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that accompany a workplace injury. Today, I am thrilled to share how these changes are making a positive impact on the lives of injured professionals.

In 2011, while serving at the Edmundston Nursing Home, my life took an unforeseen turn when I was injured on the job. The consequences were profound, extending far beyond the pain and suffering I endured. The financial strain was particularly burdensome. Unable to return to work, my income was slashed nearly in half, severely impacting my family's well-being. The repercussions rippled through every aspect of our lives, forcing my husband to seek employment in Alberta simply to make ends meet.

However, thanks to the recently implemented legislative amendments, there is a renewed sense of hope and security for injured workers like me. The increase in loss of earnings benefits from 85% to 90% and the raising of the maximum insurable earnings threshold will provide a much-needed lifeline. These benefit improvements will make a tremendous difference in my life and in the lives of many others who have dedicated their careers to serving our communities. As a nurse, the increased financial support will allow me to regain stability and focus on my recovery with dignity and peace of mind.

These legislative improvements reflect a system in good health, one that is responsive to the needs of injured workers and committed to continuous improvement. Throughout my time as a member of the Injured Worker Advisory Committee, WorkSafeNB has been dedicated to enhancing the support structures for those who have suffered workplace injuries. Their efforts have ensured that people like me receive the compensation and care we need to rebuild our lives. This progress is a testament to WorkSafeNB's unwavering commitment to fairness and justice for all workers.

Together, let us celebrate this significant achievement and continue to stand in solidarity with all injured professionals. By championing fair compensation and acknowledging the sacrifices made by workers, and nurses like me, we can ensure their contributions are valued every day, not just in times of crisis.

It is time to turn words of gratitude into lasting change, and these legislative amendments are a significant step in the right direction. Let us honour the resilience and dedication of injured workers by ensuring they receive the support they need and deserve.

Note: The content of this op-ed represents the opinion of Paula Garant and does not necessarily reflect the views of WorkSafeNB.

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