Our statement against fraud and abuse
Fraud committed against the workers' compensation system is harmful to the organization and by extension, to New Brunswick workers and employers. WorkSafeNB is committed to deterring and detecting fraudulent and abusive claims.
Fraud or abuse happens when someone gains, or has the potential to gain, something they are not entitled to through a lie, exaggeration, omission, or deception.
WorkSafeNB takes allegations of fraud seriously. Reports of suspected fraud are reviewed, and may be investigated if sufficient evidence is presented. Those who commit fraud against WorkSafeNB may face action.
You can help by understanding what fraud is and notifying us about suspected fraud and abuse.
Fraud can be committed in different ways. Some examples include:
Worker fraud
Employer fraud
Can I report fraud and abuse anonymously?
Yes, you are not required to provide your name, address, or any other information that may identify you. If you wish to remain completely anonymous, we recommend you report using the online submission.
Can I speak to a WorkSafeNB investigator directly?
Yes, when available. By calling the toll-free line 1 800 999-9775 (option 5) you can request to speak directly to an investigator and state that do you want to file a complaint of fraud.
Will WorkSafeNB track my email address or telephone number?
No, WorkSafeNB has no specialized tools to track telephone numbers or emails.
Can I provide photos and videos relating to my complaint?
WorkSafeNB does not encourage people to take it upon themselves to capture photos or videos due to legal implications and safety concerns. If you already possess evidence of any kind, it is recommended that you speak directly with an investigator prior to providing or transmitting that evidence.
Will I receive an update of the investigation outcome following my complaint?
No, WorkSafeNB will not provide an update to a complainant unless determined necessary.
Will I get rewarded if I provide information?
No, WorkSafeNB does not offer rewards for information received.
WorkSafeNB has made it easier for you to report suspicious activity.
You do not have to provide your name, address or other information that may identify you. If you wish to remain completely anonymous, we recommend you use the online submission below. Providing us with your contact information is helpful in case we do need to ask you for more details about the suspected fraud.
If you choose to submit by phone, fax, email or mail, please make certain to include the following information:
Call toll-free: 1 800-999-9775 (option 5)
Fax: 1 888 629-4722
Email: fraud.fraude@ws-ts.nb.ca
Mail to:
c/o Fraud Investigation Unit
1 Portland Street
P.O. Box 160
Saint John NB, E2L 3X9