
Health care providers, like you, are critical partners in treatment and recovery. You work closely with patients, employers and WorkSafeNB to create plans that allow workers to safely return to productive and fulfilling home and work activities.

WorkSafeNB works co-operatively with provincial health care organizations to develop treatment protocols and reporting standards. These standards have been negotiated to ensure both WorkSafeNB and health care providers are able to provide clear and consistent communications, resulting in timely and appropriate care to workers.

WorkSafeNB and the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) endorse Choosing Wisely Canada recommendations on occupational medicine. These include:

  • Don’t endorse clinically unnecessary absence from work.
  • Don’t prescribe opiates for the treatment of acute or chronic non-cancer pain without first assessing side effects, work status and capacity to drive a motor vehicle.

Please also see: 

New! Medical Form 8-10

WorkSafeNB has recently combined its medical forms 8 and 10. The new form, developed in collaboration with NBMS, requires clarity on worker abilities. Evidence shows workplace connection is good for mental, physical and emotional health. Employers have a duty to accommodate reasonable restrictions and limitations. Even if a worker is able to work one hour per week, there are positive benefits. Use Medical Form 8-10 for both initial and progress visits.

See detailed instruction for completing Medical Form 8-10.

Read the full letter to physicians and nurse practitioners.

Physician inquiry line: 1 877 647-0777
Use this dedicated phone line to ask about return-to-work programming, modified duties, invoicing, employer coverage or a WorkSafeNB claims. Please note: This line is for health care professionals only. It’s not for the purposes of reporting an accident.

WorkSafeNB adheres to the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Privacy and Access Act. Learn more about our privacy and confidentiality requirements.


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