News Release Increased COVID-19 workplace transmissions

November 5, 2021

While the COVID-19 virus is now managed primarily through vaccination, like other communicable diseases, it may still circulate. As an employer, you must take every reasonable precaution to keep your workplace healthy and safe. This includes assessing the risk of COVID-19 and putting measures in place such as a communicable disease prevention plan to protect workers and clients. 

In recent weeks, Public Health has confirmed COVID-19 cases transmitted through workplace exposures. These include workplaces in health care, long-term care, education, childcare facilities, construction and manufacturing. There have been almost 30 cases associated with just three workplaces and the number continues to rise as case investigations continue.

To learn what measures to put in place to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in your workplace, visit WorkSafeNB’s Communicable disease prevention. We strongly encourage you develop a communicable disease prevention plan. It is important to note that WorkSafeNB may require a written plan depending on the circumstances observed during inspections and investigations.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping New Brunswick workers healthy and safe.  

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