Safety first! Gift ideas for the holidays

December 15, 2017

Not sure what to get your safety hero for the holidays? 

holiday stress

We reached out to our team to get their top picks for gift giving this holiday season.

Here’s what they recommended:

  • A car safety kit for those who drive and work alone – name and position
  • A yoga mat for workplace stretch breaks
  • Polarized (tinted) safety glasses for those who drive or work outside
  • A first aid kit for hiking, the car and home
  • Reflective belts for joggers, dog walkers and anyone else out after sunset
  • An updated personal flotation device -many newer  life jackets are less bulky and some even inflate when they hit the water
  • Moisture-wicking layered clothing for the hiker or outdoor worker
  • Boot cleats or grippers for walking in icy conditions
  • A gift certificate for a first aid course (CPR has change in the last few years.)
  • A radon test kit - test your home or workplace for radon levels


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