UV ray safety – it's important!

June 20, 2014

While New Brunswick workplaces demonstrate a strong understanding of heat exhaustion and dehydration, more can be done to raise awareness around exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays.

“It starts with education. Employers should promote awareness of the health risks associated with UV radiation and providing education about sun avoidance and protective practices to reduce these risks,” said Roland Roy, an engineer with WorkSafeNB’s Compliance and Regulatory Review.

“Working outdoors is part of the appeal of many jobs, but we know more now than we ever did about the dangers the sun can pose. Landscapers, road crews, carpenters, lifeguards and agricultural workers are just some of the New Brunswickers who will spend a considerable amount of time working outdoors this summer.”

With the Weather Network predicting higher than normal temperatures for areas of New Brunswick this summer, Roy said now is the time for employers to review the risks with their employees.

“It’s important to wear protective clothing, including wide-brimmed hats, light-coloured long-sleeve shirts and sunglasses. Exposed skin should be protected with sunblock, which should be reapplied regularly.”

Since 2009, WorkSafeNB has processed nine claims for environmental heat exposure, including heat stroke, heat fatigue and effects of heat and light. But the good news is that these risks can be easily mitigated, Roy said.

“WorkSafeNB wishes all New Brunswickers a safe and enjoyable summer season.”


Working Safely in the Sun

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