A recent review of fatalities, accidents, injuries and near misses in New Brunswick has led WorkSafeNB to direct our attention toward lockout safety.
There has been no change in legislation around lockout safety, but we will be keeping a close eye on operations that involve cleaning, maintaining, adjusting or repairing machines or equipment.
What does zero tolerance mean for your operations?
WorkSafeNB strictly enforces the regulations around lockout. If we encounter violations of these laws, there will be zero tolerance.
Zero tolerance means any or all of the following:
To ensure you are operating within the law, please review the resources that we have made available. These materials are there to help you and to answer your questions. For specific information about lockout requirements, refer to the General Regulation 91-191. In particular, sections 239-240 deal specifically with lockout. Other materials that are available include:
Hazard Alert
Lockout - Your Life and Limbs Depend on it
Safety Talk
#26 Lockout
Code of Practice for cleaning, maintaining, adjustments and repairs of a machine - Definition of appropriate
Code of Practice for Group Lockout
Checklist for Lockout
Guide to OHS legislation
You are welcome to print these items for your use and to distribute them to those who will benefit from this information. We also have the following publications available:
Please contact communications@ws-ts.nb.ca for your lockout publications and for more information on other WorkSafeNB publications.
To help you develop an effective and safe lockout program, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard Z460:20, Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout and other methods can be obtained from their online store at csagroup.org/store/.